210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (2024)

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Trick questions for kids are an entertaining way to spend time with your kids. Kind of like riddles, they are so fun, but also help your kids to develop critical thinking skills, build problem solving abilities, and develop their creativity. These trick questions are sure to challenge your kids and help them think outside the box. Try and solve these, if you dare?

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (1)

What are trick questions?

Brain teasers, stumpers, the impossible question; all of these are names for questions that are meant to try and deceive you. That is part of the fun and frustration of trick questions. They test your memory and skill to listen and try to see through the deception.

My kids love to see if they have what it takes to solve brain teasers and often spend a lot of time figuring out the answers. They get so excited when they get one right, and each right answer leaves them feeling victorious!

Why Trick Questions?

Introducing trick questions to your family and class not only stimulates learning and growth but helps build teamwork among the family or class. As kids try to solve these trick questions, they also develop communication and collaboration skills.

When they get them right they get to celebrate small victories and when they guess wrong it helpsp build perseverance and resilience and to keep trying until they get the answer correct.

The best thing about trick questions for kids is that they can be adapted to kids of all ages (even adults!)

Whether you are around the table, at family game night, or riding in the car these trick questions are the perfect way to connect, engage kids, and keep them entertained.

How to Use These Trick Questions

Do you have what it takes to solve these tricky questions?

Grab your family or friends and test your skills with these questions. Simply ask each other a question and try to guess the right answer.

You could even give out points for the right answers or you can play for fun.

Feeling stumped? Creating helps, such as asking for a hint, can help younger (and older!) kids get on track to the right answer. Good luck!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (2)

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (3)

What is heavier? A ton of marbles or a ton of feathers?

A: Neither; they both weigh a ton!

An electric train traveling east to west, which way is the smoke blowing?

A: No direction; electric trains don’t make smoke!

If an airplane crashed on the border of the United States and Mexico, where would you bury the survivors?

A: Nowhere. You wouldn’t bury survivors!

The bigger this thing gets, the harder it is to see it.

A: Darkness

There are five friends in a room. Audrey is reading a book, Danielle is cooking, Savannah is playing checkers, and Callie is doing laundry. What is the 5th friend doing?

A: Playing checkers with Savannah!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (4)

You are running a race, and you pass the person in front of you who is in second place; what place are you now?

A: Second, you passed the second-place person, which puts you in second place, still behind the first-place runner.

If it takes 10 men 6 hours to build a wall, how long would it take 5 men?

A: 0 hours, the wall is already built!

What is the largest arch known to man?

A: A rainbow!

How can a person go 30 days without sleep?

A: Easy! Sleep at night!

What month has 28 days?

A: 12! All of the months have 28 days.

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (5)

I have 7 oranges, and you take 4 of them. How many oranges will you have?

A: 4 (the amount you have taken)

Name a type of dress that can never be worn.

A: An address

I have 10 tropical fish, and 2 of them drowned; how many would I have left?

A: 10! Fish cannot drown.

What happens if you throw a green rock into the yellow sea?

A: It sinks!

Which one moves faster? Heat or cold?

A: Heat! You always catch a cold

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (6)

What is the first thing everyone does in the morning?

A: Opens their eyes!

What was the color of George Washington’s white horse?

A: White!

What gets wetter the more it dries?

A: A sponge!

What are two things that you can never have for breakfast?

A: Lunch or dinner!

What is something that is always coming but never gets here?

A: Tomorrow

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (7)

What goes up but never comes down?

A: Your age!

What lives as long as you feed it but dies when you give it a drink?

A: Fire

How can a man go outside in the rain and never get his hair wet?

A: He is bald!

A girl kicked a soccer ball ten feet, and it came back to her on its own. How?

A: She kicked it UP into the air!

Every single person in an airplane crash except two. How is this possible?

A: They were married!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (8)

What goes up and always stays in place?

A: Stairs!

Why are 1982 quarters worth more than 1981 quarters?

A: Because there is one more quarter in 1982 quarters than in 1981 quarters.

What kind of tree can a child carry in their hand?

A: A palm tree!

What letter of the alphabet can be served to guests?

A: T! (Tea)

What would happen if you threw a pink hat into the black sea?

A: It would get wet!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (9)

I have married many women but have never been married. Who am I?

A: A priest

What tastes better than it smells?

A: A tongue!

What is the number of times a piece of paper can be folded in half?

A: Once! After that, you are folding the paper into quarters, eighths, and so on.

What is something that is always in front of you that you can never see?

A: The future!

What ship has no captain but two mates?

A: Courtship

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (10)

What word is always spelled incorrectly?

A: Incorrectly

What word becomes shorter when you add letters to it?

A: Short

If there are 5 birds in a tree, and a hunter shoots one, how many birds are left?

A: 0, because the rest flew away

When is a door not a door?

A: When it is ajar!

What do you get if you throw 10,000 books into the ocean?

A: A title wave!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (11)

Who should you always invite to a party?

A: A mushroom! Because he is a fungi! (Fun-guy)

Why did the banker want to quit his job?

A: Because he had lost interest!

What is something that you can catch that is never thrown?

A: A cold

What is something that has a head and a tail but no body?

A: A coin!

What is something you can only have after you have given it?

A: Respect

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (12)

What falls but never breaks and breaks but never falls?

A: Night and Day

What is the difference between a well-dressed woman on a bicycle and a poorly dressed-woman on a tricycle?

A: A tire!

What is something that has no life yet can die?

A: A battery!

It is said that April showers bring May flowers, but what do May Flowers bring?

A: Pilgrims!

What happened when the wheel was invented?

A: It caused a revolution!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (13)

Who is bigger? Mrs. Bigger, Mr. Bigger, or their baby?

A: The baby, because he is a little bigger!

What can be broken but is never held?

A: A promise?

What is a three-letter world that when you add two, the fewer there will be?

A: Few

What can fill a room but take up no space?

A: Light!

Why would a house need a doctor?

A: Because it had a window pane. (pain)

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (14)

What is the coldest country in the world?

A: Chili!

What does a magician do when he is angry?

A: He pulls his hare (hair) out!

What prize did the person who invented the door knocker win?

A: A no-bell (Nobel) prize

Is there anything in the middle of nowhere?

A: Yes! The letter H.

What is something that has one head, one foot, and four legs?

A: A bed!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (15)

What kind of coat do you put on wet?

A: A coat of paint.

What is something that the more you take away, the more you will have?

A: A hole!

What has 13 hearts?

A: A deck of cards

What has one eye but cannot see?

A: A needle!

How can you make the number one disappear?

A: Add a g! Than it’s gone!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (16)

What is something that belongs to you but everyone else uses more?

A: Your name!

What goes to bed with its shoes still on?

A: A horse!

If a rooster lays an egg on top of a roof, which will the egg roll off?

A: No direction! Roosters cannot lay eggs.

What has four wheels and flies?

A: A garbage truck?

What can run around a yard without getting tired?

A: A fence!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (17)

What can you use only after you have broken it?

A: An egg

What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?

A: Trouble!

What has four eyes but is blind?

A: Mississippi

What is something you can touch but cannot see? You can throw it out, but not away.

A: Your back

What is light as a feather but cannot be held for a long time?

A: Your breath!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (18)

Why are ghosts such terrible liars?

A: Because you can see right through them!

What is something you can serve but never eat?

A: A volleyball!

What is something that has branches but no fruit, leaves, or a trunk?

A: A bank!

Can you name something that is round and extremely violent?

A: A vicious circle

How does the ocean say hello to the beach?

A: It waves!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (19)

What two words hold the most letters?

A: Post office!

What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?

A: A chalkboard!

What is black, white, and red all over?

A: A newspaper!

What word has six letters, and when you remove one, you have 12 letters?

A: Dozens

What hears but cannot talk?

A: Ears of corn!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (20)

Name the building with the most stories.

A: A Library!

What has eyes but cannot see?

A: A potato

What has words but never sleeps?

A: A book!

What can you hear but cannot see and will not speak until spoken to?

A: An echo!

What breaks when you speak its name?

A: Silence!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (21)

What bow cannot be tied?

A: A rainbow!

What letters are found in every day of the week?

A: D-A-Y

What kind of umbrella do people carry on rainy days?

A: A wet one.

Why was a kid running around his bed at night?

A: To catch up on his sleep!

What textbook is the saddest?

A: A math book because it has problems

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (22)

What is something that happens once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

A: The letter m!

What is something that can come down but never go up?

A: Rain

What can go through cities but never moves?

A: A road

What is the perfect name for a lawyer?

A: Sue!

What has hands but cannot clap them?

A: A clock!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (23)

What has keys but cannot open any doors?

A: A piano

What has legs but will never walk?

A: A table

How far can a chipmunk run into the woods?

A: Halfway

What is something that the more you take, the more you will leave behind?

A: Footsteps!

Name something that is black, white, and blue.

A: A sad zebra

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (24)

Mary turned right, left, and turned in a circle, did a headstand, and then walked backward before she took a picture of the sunrise. What direction was she facing?

A: East (because the sun rises in the east)

Which numbers are more dramatic? Even or odd?

A: Odd because they just can’t even!

What is full of holes but still can hold water?

A: A sponge.

Can you tell me which came first, the chicken or the egg?

A: The egg because dinosaurs laid eggs before there were chickens!

What was the highest mountain before Mount Everest was discovered?

A: Mount Everest (it would still be the tallest even if no one knew it!)

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (25)

What year would be the same if it was flipped upside down?

A: 1961

If there is a red house on the left side and a blue house on the right side, where would a white house be?

A: In Washinton D.C.

There was a one-story house in a neighborhood where everything was blue! The walls, floor, appliances, and even the furniture were blue! What color were the stairs?

A: No color! A one-story house does not have stairs.

What is Paddingtion The Bears’ middle name?

A: The

Can you think of the longest word in the English language?

A: Smile! There is a mile between the beginning and the end

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (26)

There were 5 copycats in a boat, and one jumped out. How many were left?

A: None; they were copycats, so they all jumped out!

What is in the middle of America?

A: The letter r!

A lady rode into town on Wednesday, stayed two nights, and then left on Wednesday. How is that possible?

A: Her horse was named Wednesday!

What is something that will never get wetter, no matter how much it rains?

A: The ocean

Imagine you are a bus driver, and at the first stop, 3 people get on, and at the second stop, 4 people get on. At the third stop, 3 people get off, and at the last stop, everyone gets off. What color are the bus driver’s eyes?

A: You are the bus driver, so whatever your eye color is!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (27)

There were 10 apples hanging from a tree, and 10 kids passed by; each took an apple and left 9 hanging there. How can there be 9 apples left?

A: Each was a kid’s name!

What will let you look through any wall you want?

A: A window!

There is a room full of keys but no locks. There is space but no room to move. You can enter but cannot exit. How is this possible?

A: Because it is a keyboard!

If everything goes wrong in your life, what is something you can always count on?

A: Your finger and toes!

Tommy tells his friends that on his birthday he will be 16 and on his next birthday he will be 20! How is that possible?

A: He was born on February 29th, a leap year!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (28)

What type of ball can you roll but never bounce?

A: An eyeball!

How many numbers between one and one hundred have an ‘A’ in their spelling?

A: None!

What can run but never walk? Have a mouth but never speak, and has a bed but never sleeps?

A: A river

How can the 22nd and 24th US presidents have the same parents and not be brothers?

A: They were the same person! Grover Cleveland was elected twice.

How can all of your cousins have the same aunt except for you?

A: Because their aunt is your mother!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (29)

An architect and a builder were waiting in line for the local home show. One of them was the father of the other’s son. How can this be?

A: They were husband and wife!

What is something that can cover what is real and hide what is true but sometimes can bring out the courage in you?

A: Make-up

What can smile when I smile? Cry when I cry, but when I shout, it remains silent?

A: A mirror!

What do you throw away when you need it and bring it back when you don’t need it anymore?

A: An anchor

What is something that the maker sells, and the one who buys it doesn’t need it, and the one who uses it never sees it?

A: A coffin

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (30)

What is the type of son that no parents would ever want?

A: An arson

What kind of insect has another insect in its name?

A: A beetle

What can jump when it walks and can sit when it stands?

A: A kangaroo!

You drop an egg onto a concrete floor, and it doesn’t crack! How is this possible?

A: An egg wouldn’t crack a concrete floor!

What type of bird can lift the most weight?

A: A crane!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (31)

What can go up as soon as it starts to rain?

A: An umbrella

What has teeth but cannot eat anything?

A: A comb

There is a squirrel, a bird, and a monkey racing to the top of a coconut tree; who will get to the bananas first?

A: None of the animals; bananas don’t grow on coconut trees!

What does not have a frame, but there are pictures inside it?

A: A television!

What is something that you can buy to eat but never eat it?

A: A fork!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (32)

What is something that has many wheels but does not move?

A: A parking lot!

You have a cup sitting on a table facing north while you are on the south side of the table. What side is the cup’s handle on?

A: On the outside, of course!

A man turned out a light, and a thousand people died. How is that possible?

A: The man was in a lighthouse!

What is something that can be cracked, made, told, and played?

A: A joke!

What word starts with an e and ends with an e but only has one letter in it?

A: An envelope

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (33)

What is a seven-letter word that has hundreds of letters?

A: A mailbox

What is something that you can find in the past and be created in the present?

A: History!

Where does yesterday follow today, and tomorrow is stuck in the middle?

A: A dictionary!

What is something that you can’t use until it is broken?

A: A coconut!

A kid thinks that their pant pocket is empty, but there is something still inside. What is it?

A: A hole!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (34)

There is a room with no doors or windows, with a table and mirror. How would you get out?

A: Look in the mirror to see what you saw; use the saw to cut the table in half; two halves make a whole. Climb out of the hole!

If Ruth’s mom has four daughters, eenie, meenie, and miney, what is the name of her fourth child?

A: Ruth

Why is everyone so tired on April 1st?

A: Because we just completed a March of 31 days!

Can you tell me how many books fit in an empty backpack?

A: One! After that, it is not empty.

What are two days that start with the letter T besides Tuesday and Thursday?

A: Today and tomorrow

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (35)

How can a kid walk on water?

A: They need to freeze it first!

Name something that looks like half of an orange.

A: The other half of the orange

Can you tell me how many times you can 5 away from 25?

A: Once! After that, it is 20.

Tell me, how many birthdays does the average human have?

A: One! After that, they are just anniversaries of their birth date

Quick! Spell silk out loud three times fast! Now tell me, what do cows drink?

A: Water. Some people may say milk.

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (36)

Why can’t you take a picture of a person with a wooden leg?

A: You can’t take a picture with a wooden leg! You need a camera.

Can you bury a man from North Carolina in South Carolina?

A: No, because he is alive!

A farmer has 3 haystacks in one field and 8 haystacks in another field. How many haystacks would the farmer have if he combined them all in another field?

A: One, he would combine all the haystacks together.

When can you stop at green and go at red?

A: When you are eating a watermelon!

You only have one match and enter a dark room with some kindling, an oil lamp, and some newspapers. What would you light first?

A: The match!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (37)

How can a child lift an elephant with one hand?

A: They can’t! Elephants don’t have hands!

A bus driver is going opposite traffic on a one-way street. A policeman sees him but does not stop the bus driver. Why not?

A: The bus driver was walking.

How many sides does a circle have?

A: Two! The inside and outside!

A man shoots his wife, then puts her underwater for 5 minutes, and then hangs her. 10 minutes later, they go out for dinner. How can this be possible?

A: The man is a photographer!

If Mrs. Johnson’s peaco*ck lays an egg in Mrs. Smith’s yard, who owns the egg?

A: No one; peaco*cks don’t lay eggs.

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (38)

What exists when there is light, but direct light hurts it?

A: A shadow

What is brown with a head and a tail but no legs?

A: A penny!

What has 88 keys but cannot unlock a single door?

A: A piano!

What is lighter than the thing it is made of, and more of it is hidden than can be seen?

A: An iceberg!

What has an eye but cannot see and is faster than anyone alive but has no feet.

A: A hurricane.

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (39)

What is something with black spots and a white face that is fat and not thin?

A: Dice

What is in water, a rainbow, and a jay’s feather?

A: The color blue!

What is a five-letter word that people always pronounce wrong?

A: The word wrong!

What time of day is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

A: Noon!

What is small but can climb a tower?

A: An ant!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (40)

What is something that points up when it is light but points down when it is dark?

A: A light switch!

What is something that is heavy when forward but not when it is backward?

A: Ton

What kind of pet has a body full of coins?

A: A piggy bank!

What kind of person is a father’s child, a mother’s child, but no one’s son?

A: A daughter!

What is something that is all over a house?

A: A roof!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (41)

What is something that everyone has but can never lose?

A: Their shadow!

Name me something that has four fingers and a thumb but is not alive.

A: A glove

What has four legs and a back but no head?

A: A chair!

What is something that is, while far from the point, is not a mistake yet fixes yours?

A: An eraser.

What kind of drink is added to a bowl of cereal?

A: Milk

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (42)

Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?

A: The letter “C”.

What has many letters, but no matter how many are given away, they stay the same?

A: A mailman

A ranch hand had 200 cows and took one shot that got them all. How can this be?

A: The ranch hand took a panoramic photo

A kid left home running, took three left turns, and arrived back at home. How is this possible?

A: They were playing baseball!

How many three-cent stamps will you get if you buy a dozen at the post office?

A: 12 because that is how many are in a dozen!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (43)

There are two kids that play 7 games of checkers, and each one wins the same about of games without tying any. How can this be?

A: They didn’t play against each other!

Max was born on December 24th, but his birthday always falls in the summer. How does this work?

A: He was born in the Southern Hemisphere.

Name a person who breaks into your house once a year, but only if you are good.

A: Santa Claus

What has a yellow coat, a dark head, and makes marks wherever they go.

A: A pencil

What can go around a house but never touch it?

A: The sun!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (44)

What is something that can point you the way only when filled?

A: A glove.

What is born in the ocean that is white but put back into water and it disappears without a trace?

A: Salt

What can be dropped from the tallest building and be fine, but put it in water, and it dies?

A: Paper.

What is found in your hand when it is dark but hidden away when it is light?

A: A flashlight

What is a portal to another world that you cannot enter, and only you can see it, but it can’t see you?

A: A television

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (45)

What is something that has a neck, but no head, a body but no arms, and a bottom with no legs?

A: A bottle

What is something that is only good if people laugh at it?

A: A joke!

Name something where the faster you run, the harder it is to catch.

A: Your breath!

What is something that has two arms but no hands and a neck but no head?

A: A t-shirt.

Name something that is always hanging in the sky but goes away at night.

A: The sun!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (46)

What had a tail when it was young and knees when it grew up?

A: A frog

What grows tall but never gets fat?

A: A stack

Name something that has answers but never asks any questions.

A: A telephone

Can you name something that begins and ends with the letter “T” that is also full of “T’

A: A teapot full of tea!

What is something that is always at the end of a rainbow?

A: The letter “W.”

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (47)

Where is somewhere that you will find Fridays before Thursdays?

A: In a dictionary!

A kid fell off a 30-foot ladder but was not hurt. How is this possible?

A: They fell off the bottom rung.

Name something that is always answered without getting asked any questions.

A: A doorbell.

Close your eyes and imagine you are in the middle of the ocean on a boat that has a hole, and you are surrounded by sharks! What would you do?

A: Stop imagining you are in a leaky boat!

What are two keys that cannot open any doors?

A: A monkey and a donkey.

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (48)

What is the easiest way to double your money?

A: Put it in front of a mirror.

Name something that has a horn but it does not make any noise.

A: A rhinoceros.

Name me something that is as big as a house but does not weigh anything.

A: The shadow of the house.

What flies all day but never goes anywhere?

A: A flag!

What is something that you can serve your guest, but they can never eat it?

A: A tennis ball!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (49)

Why does a teddy bear never eat?

A: Because it is stuffed!

Why did the child bury their flashlight?

A: Because its batteries died!

What can come at night without being called and disappear during the daytime without being stolen?

A: Stars

What can dance and shake its tail and then sail away?

A: A kite.

What is something that when you have it, you don’t want to share it, and if you share it, you won’t have it anymore?

A: A secret.

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (50)

Name me something that can travel the world stuck in a corner.

A: A stamp!

Do you have other trick questions that we can try and solve? Add them to the comments so we can give them a try!

210 Trick Questions For Kids With Answers (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.